Sunday, 26 April 2009

Comment on gay jokes

This is a comment on the blog about gay jokes

The writer of this blog says she is against comedians making jokes about gay people. Although I haven't seen the actual video with the blog, I don't agree with her on this one.

By avoiding making jokes about gay people, I think you are avoiding and ignoring homosexuality. Comedians make jokes about everything and everyone, and ignoring a nowadays hot topic in my mind ignores homosexuality itself. Why leave them out as the target of a joke? Why joking about everybody and everyone, except the gay people? Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against gay people and I support homosexuality 100%. I just think you should be able to endure jokes about you/your community/your beliefs/etc without being immediately offended. I laugh about jokes that in a way make fun of certain people and I think that most of them are exaggerated to ridicule the people.

I guess the joke was quite offending, looking at the reaction of the writer of the blog. So to avoid any fights, I can not express my opinion about this topic too much without having watching the video. There are multiple comedians that in my eyes go TOO FAR and maybe this was one of them. What I am trying to say in this blog, is that people shouldn't feel too offended about being the target of a comedian's joke, and that I think it is a comedian's job to joke about hot topics to draw attention to them and create discussion.

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