Wednesday 8 April 2009

cannabis possesion

This blog is a reaction to the arrest of the 19-year old actor Jamie Wylett. He is best known for his role as Vincent Crabbe in the Harry Potter sequels, and was arrested after police discovered £2,000 worth of cannabis in his mother's house.
That is a lot of cannabis. I think there is one question that keeps rizing in my blogs about bad behaviour: why?? This actor probably earned a lot of money already with his role in Harry Potter movies, so why risk getting caught? Maybe he is highly addicted and needs it for himself, or maybe he just wants to show off to his friends. Anyway, it's a stupid and unneccesarily risky thing to keep (so much) cannabis in your house. No, not your house: your mother's house. I think it is a good think he got caught and will be punished for it. Ok, he is "just" 19, but that doesn't mean he should be able to get away with this stupid behaviour. He must have known that there is a law against it, and he did it anyway. So I say: let him pay. And no special treatment because he is a (sort of) celebrity. In fact, I am against all those special treatments for celebrities. They should be punished equally because they are supposed to be rolemodels.

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