Sunday 26 April 2009

Comment on the blog Downloading

This is a comment about a blog about downloading

I agree with the writer of this blog. For years the prices of CDs, videos and DVDs have been outrageous. I remember paying 40 euros for a CD. I would listen to it several times, but after a few months it would just disappear in a big pile of old CDs. The best solution for 10 years back was to record song from the radio. However, cassette-tapes became rare and most (car)stereos didn't have a cassetteplayer anymore. So you were forced to buy CDs. Then there was Napster! (I don't know if this was actually on of the first downloadprogrammas that ever existed, but it was the first one I encountered with) It was perfect, you could download songs from tv's top 40 and after enjoying them for a few weeks you could delete them from your computer. For movies it was the same story: you recorded them from tv on videos. Of course you can still do that today with expensive dvdrecorders, but in what way is that so different from downloading a movie? Those actors and moviemakers make way too much money anyway, and enough people (including me) still provide income for them by going to the cinemas (which aren't too cheap either, if you compair the prices with 5 years back).

(I discussed Downloading in another blog, so you can read more about my opinion there. )

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