Monday 27 April 2009

Comment on Child Obesity blog

This is a comment on the blog about Child Obesity, to be found at

I completely agree with her on this. It is the parent's fault, and it is very disturbing to see how many parents choose the easy way out and thus for example go to MacDonalds, instead of making a meal themselves. Feeding your children comes with the job, and with feeding I don't mean stuffing unhealthy food down their throats. And there should also be something as common sense. These parents should know it is not healthy for you to eat at MacDonalds all the time. Another thing I see many times: when I go to ASDA, I see children already eating (unhealthy) food their parents haven't even bought yet. Probably to keep them shut, the parents already give them some of the food they still have to pay for. The ones who don't get this special treatments, are probably the one crying and yelling all the time (annoying!). As a consequence, children are used to getting exactly what they want immediately. Talking about spoiled.. Another consequence is addiction. Unhealthy food is addictive, and especially when they start at such a young age it will be difficult for them to change to a healthier pattern when they get older. And of course there are the healthconcerning consequences. In one of my other blogs, I posted things about the new thin look that so many people try to obtain. It seems to me that many people aren't able to find the middle here: they are either obsessed with getting as thin as possible, or they are obsessed with food. The younger the children are when they are exposed to such things, the harder it will get for them to find a healty, normal way of life later.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, it is such a shame, as you said nothing worth a good made-home meal, and some things can be quite quick to cook and cheaper than fast food restaurants! I always feel sorry for those children who finally become victims of their parents' irresponsibility!
