Monday 16 March 2009


There are some people who just go to far. For example, televisionchef Gordon Ramsay ( He is probably most known for his cursing and swearing, which often leaves other people in tears. Is it really that necessary? Maybe he is just incapable of using sentences without a curseword in it? Or maybe it's all just for the show and he is infact a very nice and tender man, who only uses proper English. In many cases, it is really unnessecary for him to curse, and still he does. Unfortunately, some people don't have the excuse of "doing it for the show", but actually do this in real life. Just listen to the people around you. How many times will you hear cursewords around you in one day? And it's not even the young people (who always get the blame, as usual): old(er) people curse as well.
Of course, sometimes it's just plain funny when someone curses, but that's usually because of the event that caused the person to swear or the words that are used.
Since I myself have had numerous occasions which led to me cursing, I too am guilty of this bad behaviour. I do not consider myself to be a verbally violent, frustrated or angry person, but sometimes it's hard to avoid cursing. For example, when you hit your big toe on something hard or when your favorite footballteam loses, it is difficult to express your sudden and extreme feelings without cursing. That's not so bad, is it? Do, however, try to keep it down a bit.

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