Sunday 15 March 2009


When I went to the supermarket this week, I ran into a quit-smoking stand. If you type in "smoking" on Google, on the first page alone you will find several results that direct you to a quit-smoking website. More and more countries print warning messages and/or images on the cigaret boxes. You can't get around the fact that it's dangerous to the smoker and people around, but still there are so many people that smoke.

In my eyes, the worst thing about smoking is the fact that it bothers other people. I myself have several friends who smoke regularly, but they will not smoke when I am in their presence without asking me if I'm ok with it, and I think this is very good of them. They know that it is bad for them but they are not yet willing to quit smoking, but they do think about other people when they smoke. These are the kind of smokers I have absolutely no problem with (beside the fact that I don't want them to do anything that's bad for their health, but that's their own decision).
However, some smokers only think about themselves. They don't seem to care that people around them also have to inhale the smoke, listen to sentences interrupted by inhaling and exhaling smoke, wear clothes that will end up smelling like ashtrays, etc.. If you want to expose yourself to higher risk of all types of cancer, be my guest. But don't do this without thinking about the people around you.

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