Saturday 25 April 2009


The url above links to a tragic story about an eleven-year-old boy who commited suicide because he could no longer stand the kids at school bullying him. One of the things they called him, was gay. The young boy was found by his mother and sister.

This is such a terrible story. I hope those bullies fill guilty for his death the rest of their life. I can not believe how far they went. Everybody makes fun at someone else's expense sometime, many comedians base their show on making fun of others. However, there is a limit. It would be a lousy excuse to say that the bullying children in this story weren't able to draw the line and didn't realize they were going to far. Children may be children, but at 11 I believe they should have been able to recognize when they were going too far.

When I was eleven, there was a kid in my school that was also bullied for being gay. Fortunately, there were enough children to stand up for him and I think most of the other kids just ignored the whole thing and by doing this, the bullies didn't have any succes and quit bullying the kid. So it didn't last long. Though I remember feeling bad for him and going against the bullies and telling them to shut up. And like I said, I was not the only one. How come none of other children stood up for the boy in the article?

I think there are more to blame in this story. The bullying kids, ofcourse. But I also blame society, for labelling gay people and creating the idea that this is something bad and in this way make it something to make fun of. And I don't think you can leave the parents of both parties out of this. The little boys parents knew about the problem, and although they went to the school about it, I don't think they should have stopped there. And the parents of the bullies can not be blamed totally, because they may not have known what their kids did in school, but they are partially to blame for the way they raised their kids. And then the school, that didn't do enough to stop the bullying. I think school and teachers should pay more attention to bullying in schools to prevent this kind of tragedies.

There will always be bullying. I think it's just nature, kids trying to create hierarchy, desperately making sure they will not end up at the bottom of the peck order themselves. There will always be followers, kids who don't really mean it too bad but are afraid to drop on that peck order. And there will always be kids who are the victim of bullying. Kids are cruel, you hear that often enough. However, bullying 'till someone commits suicide.. It's just too terrible to accept.

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