Friday 24 April 2009

Iphone's Baby Shaker application
I was shocked when I ran into this article this morning. It said that Apple had an Iphone application that was "a game of quietening crying babies by shaking them". After parents whose children died or were permanently injured due to their babies being shaken protested outside of an Apple shop, Apple apologized "deeply" for it and has removed the application. You can see how the game works on Youtube (
I decided to try and find some more articles about it. A lot of media are writing about it the last days, so there was plenty to find about it. BBC News tells more about the game ( As it turns out, Apple put this game on Itunes Store on Monday. The purpose of the game was to shake the Iphone to quiet the baby that was drawn on the screen. When shaking the Iphone for a certain amount of time, "thick red Xs appeared over each eye of a baby drawn in black-and-white"(BBC News). On Wednesday the game was removed from the Itunes Store.
This website,, talks about the lack of a proper excuse why Apple let this game pass the approval proces. The description of the game on its own should have been enough not to approve this game. They end with "Apple needs to come clean, and soon".
What I don't understand is how this game was on the Itunes Store for two days! They must have had complaints about it the same day. This is even worse than the game where you have to catch the babies that Michael Jackson throws out the window. This is a serious subject, and children with the shaken impact syndrome suffer from inflicted head trauma. And did I mention that this game costs only 99 dollarcent? I can't believe how stupid the people at Apple must be that approved this game. Still waiting for a proper excuse from Apple..

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