Monday 20 April 2009

Cosmetic Surgery, Body Modification

It is such a pity how some people go to far with plastic surgery. Like Rupert Everett (see picture above). Did he really looked that bad in the first picture, considering he is almost 50 years old? After his (alleged) plastic surgery, he looks like a (young looking) 35-year old. A picture doesn't say it all here; I would love to see hem talk and use expressions on his face. The last one just to see if it is still possible.

This blog is about cosmetic surgery. There are of course cases where plastic surgery is helpful to restore someone's body or face, and I do not have any objections against that kind of plastic surgery. What I am talking about here is the tucking and ironing of skin, adding new chins or cheeks to a face and reconstructing eyes so they look like they're someone else's.

It seems like society's new obsession to all look exactly the same. Nobody can stand out anymore, and god forbid you would have any wrinkles as a result of aging. So...nobody can age? I prefer an earlier idea of aging: wrinkles show you that you have lived, that you have absorbed information, that you are wizer than the younger people who don't have any wrinkles yet. Why feel so ashamed when your face shows that you have lived? Is it not something to be proud of? There are too many people who die before reaching the age of 40, why should you cover up that you did when you should actually be celebrating it? And if you look at the example of Rupert Everett: he doesn't look like himself anymore. I don't even think he looks the same way he did when he was 35 and wrinkle-free. Is it really something worth achievable: looking like a completely different person? Not to mention the risks and the pain to get to that point. To me, what Rupert Everett did looks like a act of despair. Because you can only cover up so much in movies, and I suppose he was afraid he wouldn't be asked to play in a movie with a 50-year old face. It is sad that in a lot of movies you don't see real faces but just lies. What is wrong with a real face? I am not sure if he hasn't had any surgery, but I wouldn't mind if all 78-year old men would look like Sean Connery and not like Shia LeBeouf. Live up to your age and be proud that you got that far anyway!

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